On this day you spam photos or videos of your crush on a social media app and tell them you appreciate them
“Today is national post your crush day!”
Omg really should I post them on Instagram?!”
The first week back from Mexico realizing you have to face reality, can’t drink every day and can’t sit in the sun 24/7
Looks like you’ve got post mexico syndrome.
Why won't he stop sending the same fucking meme over and over?
Brandon's Pip posting again
Don't Pip post, bro
October 27th is post your significant other day! whether that's ur girlfriend, boyfriend or theyfriend, post them!
girl: did u know its Post your significant other day
boy: no
girl: shit imma post u
boy: jit ion feel u in dat way 😭
Post a picture of you and your mom to appreciate her for everything she has done for you!
Me: Hey, don’t forget to post a pic of you and your mom!
Friend: Oh, ok, I’ll do that now!
Defining a nu-age in human and world relations incidentally launched on the 24th February 2022 CE. The particular day and also the individual subjective moment in time when generally accepted madness circled back round to the knife edge of eye-twitching sanity.
Bro-1: "Bro! I don't know what's going on anymore!" Bro-2: "No-pro BroBo! Relax. It's just life in the Post-Crazy. Everything's fine..."
Days that have lead up to the present
I’ve been busy these last few post days.