Queer Punch (n):
Like a straight punch, but with a nasty twist at the end.
(alt): Also a fruit cocktail (ie. a punch) with an unexpected or unannounced addition, potentially of the mind altering variety.
A strike to a pressure point that leads to the opponent humiliating themselves could be considered a queer punch, as could a knock-out blow from an unexpectedly capable opponent.
a sexual practice of inflicting blunt force trauma to the back of the head or lower back of the receiving partner during an orgasm.
It is derived from the term "Le petite mort" which in French means "the little death" and is generally used as a euphemism for orgasm.
During her orgasm, Janice felt a sudden force on her head. Keith had zombie punched her!
This is when a male is punched in the throat and cock!!
Andrew: Jess stop being a Bitch!!
Jess: Andrew I will throck punch you!!!
(n) A variation of the childhood game where kids traveling through the country would encounter a Volkswagen Beetle and the first kid to see a punch bug (VW) yells "PUNCH BUG" and punches someone in the arm. Yet, this is when someone witnesses a man wearing a Man Bun in public, whether it be at a coffee house, bar, gender-neutral bathroom, or in the general public, the person punches the other person on the arm and yells "PUNCH BUN".
(Nick sees a guy with a man bun and punches Bill in the arm)
Bill: Agghh! What the fuck, Nick?
Nick: (pointing to the guy with the man bun) Punch Bun, motherfucker!
Bill: Ah, game on. Do you want to get an espresso?
(The guy with the man bun walks by Nick & Bill and sighs)
Dan Shaughnessy is an American sports writer, and while he writes for the Boston Herald, he seems to have a general hard-on for hating all Boston sports. Considered a clown by many other writers, and has "Punch My Face" written all over his.
It IS possible to have "Punch My Face" written on it. Just look at Dan Shaughnessy.
Hey babe ,can you we do something different tonight
Yea sure what do you have in mind
Could u maybe tongue punch me in between my eyes
Oh your kinky kinky ,ok let's do jt
When a man cuddles you and you feel his cock punch you in the gut!
The date went fine, we kissed goodbye but he got over excited and his cock punched me in the gut and nearly winded me!