The only good Disney sequel in the internet’s opinion. It has a 33% positive ratings on rotten tomatoes though, so everyone is right, cuz rotten tomatoes can be as accurate as a five year olds drawing.
Disney: Can we make one good sequel?
Sequel king: Ok. ONE. The lion king 2.
Disney: Ok!
An expression used during/or referring to sex when a man ejaculates very quickly
"Dude I wanna go after Nina, but I haven't been laid in a while. I need some practise before her, otherwise I'm gonna be 2 second charlie."
See: SBMM, Trash ass maps, camper infested, and overpriced cosmetic bundles. Any criticism is typically brushed off as a "skill issue" by the same kid that camps in a corner with his shotgun.
Instead of them fixing what's wrong with Modern Warfare 2, they add Nicki Minaj and more bundles😒.
The act of having anal sex then going straight to vaginal sex.
Me and my boyfriend did the rusty 2-step and now I have a UTI.
#general-chat but now with embed perms.
Shitposting for everyone with arguements
Place for the unfunny shitposts by skips and some people with 0 iq
take this to #general-chat-2 pls
An Among Us song by CG5 that's as catchy as nits in a primary school
I can't get Lyin 2 Me out of my stupid head