w h e r e y o u e x p a n d y o u r c o n s c i o u s n e s s t o a h i g h e r s t a t e o f b e i n g .
Me: *A S C E N D S*
Bystander: better feed this man worms instead of children now
18👍 5👎
A kit to commit suicide by Dr. Philip Nitschke, a.k.a Dr. Death.
According to Dr. Death, an Australian who founded the organization Exit International, there is a potential problem for practitioners of suicide: they might not get an effective dose when they buy drugs to kill themselves. In a recent interview, Death manifested his hopes that his new kit will help people make “end-of-life choices,” without the anxiety naturally felt by those contemplating suicide.
X: "Scary stuff man!!! You know?... they sell a suicide kit invented by a guy known as Dr. Death."
Y:"C´mon man that has to be B.S".
X: "No man, no bull... this morning I talked on the phone with an ex-lover who lives in London, and she told me that she had Dr. Death´s Suicide Kit by her bed for year and a half, but her best friend asked for it and she gave him the kit."
Y: "And?"
X: "The poor bastard used the kit."
Y: "So... is he dead?"
X: "Yeah man, thanks to Death."
45👍 20👎
Kaka v420's discord server is a hate community who especially hates furries if one joins
I got banned from kaka v420's discord server for being a furry
22👍 9👎
This is a hacked ROBLOX group and you should NEVER go to it. When you die in the pits of the group's games, the game will freeze. The thing is, if you request to join, then get accepted and play the group's games, it will be used as a keylogger and will store data.
There is no way I can put S M I L E : ) into a sentence, lol
1👍 1👎
Taking a huge, heart-stopping, pulse pounding crap so amazing that when it finally comes out, you feel like Luke Skywalker seeing Princess Leia for the first time in her holographic message to Obi-Wan...
Dude 1: "Man you were in there for 30 minutes, what the hell were ya doin?"
Dude 2: "Finding R2's hidden message..."
"Well my little friend....you've got somethin' *jammed in here real good*....were you on a Star Cruiser or.....*BAAAMPF*
Extra points if you recite the scene while the shit is in progress
A single, two-word phrase that contains both the phrases "He's ok" and "She's broken", describing the stereotypically-common occurrence of a male getting over a failed relationship while a female is still devastated by it.
Guy: You're a great girl but it's over.
Girl: But you said you loved me?
Guy: Yeah. But I heard you wouldn't put out if I didn't.
She's broken.
53👍 26👎
Someone who is family friendly. Someone who’s first game has probably been GTA 5. Someone who doesn’t like fun and just sits in the depths of their own shadows all day and night wondering when the next pizza is going to arrive.
I swear bro, you’re acting like nick eh 30’s boyfriend
8👍 3👎