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unbang the gang

Feeling shameful over having been gangbanged for a hit of crack or other drugs
Prostituting yourself for drugs

Candi was ashamed of being a prostitute, but she couldn't unbang the gang.
Don't worry Tameeka, you've got class, you don't have to unbang the gang.
It's better to worry about unsucking a dick for crack, versus having to unbang the gang.

by J.J. Juggs September 14, 2023

unbang the gang

can't undo the shameful act of being gangbanged for crack or other drugs; whether male or female.

Being a group sex slut

"Candi can't unbang the gang for her hit of crack."
"Don't be ashamed, Tamara, it's not like you have to worry about having to unbang the gang. You've got class, you just suck dick for it."

by J.J. Juggs September 14, 2023

Gang Rape

When a women has sex with many guys without her consent.

Debby was gang raped by 7 men despite the fact she repeatedly said no when they demanded that she has sex with them.

by PhoenixGamer34 April 13, 2022

Gang Slopped

To have been irrevocably fucked by a collective.

Being Gand Slopped is typically the case after having been Gang Stalked by a determined group, and similarly to the medieval pillory, it's an act of great humiliation that welcomes public ridicule.

The acts that define being "slopped" include but are not limited to: group surprise sex onto one person, group surprise molestation onto one person, group surprise sexual assault onto one person, surprise humiliation onto one person.

The criteria for "gang" necessitates that the group is not just a band of common thugs, but rather a highly organized and formally operational institution. An organization like the CIA, FBI, DEA, TSA, USPS, British Royal Family, US NAVY, Iran Revolutionary Guard, Israeli Mossad, Russian FSB, and the Walt Disney Company are all possible collectives that could leave a target gang slopped.

A notable figure who was gang stalked by the CIA/Mossad and then went on to be gang slopped is Muammar Gaddafi.

John told me that he was being gang stalked by the CIA for condemning the butchering of children. I thought he was crazy.. Then I saw him end up on the news dead and sodomized. Turns out he was being gang stalked and even ended up getting gang slopped by the CIA!

by Dusty Knuckles January 9, 2025

witney gang

A group of wannabe roadmen that jack off to pictures of bikes

Bro I joined Witney gang the other day, apparently one of the members used a seat clamp on his cock

Aren't seat clamps for bikes?


by a member of witney gang November 29, 2020

witney gang

A group of wannabe roadmen that jack off to pictures of bikes

Bro I joined Witney gang the other day, apparently one of the members used a seat clamp on his cock one time.

Aren't seat clamps for bikes?


by a member of witney gang November 28, 2020

3 inch gang

The two inch gang rejects, a band a cowards who couldn't make the "cut" to be apart of something "bigger" than themselves

The 3 inch gang is a dilatant group of cowards not willing to make a "sacrifice" for the greater good of all mankind

Agreed no one man can wield such power without becoming corrupt and creating nothing but disparage

by mynameisnotjeff420 May 4, 2024