Bros a literal walking god he's funny cute tall everybody loves him he's close to his friends probably can pull no one just knows it yet and he fucking awesome
Person 1: is that ryan reynolds
Person 2: no it's Harry
Harry is a living legend he funny good looking a great friend everybody loves him he's athletic, tall just great hes a good friend he can probably pull just no one knows it he is just the best and has an awesome personality
A Harry is the best person you'll ever meet. If you have a Harry in your life, you are living the best life you can. They are loyal, trustworthy and amazing and they care so much. It's very hard to find a Harry and there are alot of people that will leave before you do find one but once you find Harry, you'll feel complete and loved and so cared for. They respect you for who are and once they have you, they'll do whatever it takes to keep you.
"I love Harry because he treats me right and I feel so respected"
Harry blake is the best man to ever live. His penis is huge and he’s beautiful and racist. he hates blacks like tino and loves whites like cameron and he’s perfect in every way
hey! Have you seen harry? he’s perfect
God like dick. Ranging infinity and beyond.
Guy: yo the dick big
Other guy: yeah he’s harry
Harry Is A Straight boy that will pound a girl
Look at Harry, made me cum so much