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Dominic the great and all wise

A person who is greater and better than any one else.
People need to treat him like a king
Remember to always write the capital letter

Hello Dominic the great and all wise

by D. King November 22, 2021

Beautiful beyond all compare

The most beautiful person in all existence. The most perfect being in all of reality.

Emilee is beautiful beyond all compare. <33

by M66nman October 9, 2021

You're all bits and pieces

When someone is disorganized or confused.

Person 1: I misplaced my keys and my wallet!
Person 2: Oh my, you're all bits and pieces today

by notsurmas August 11, 2023

All gravy, no dry spots

An elaboration of the term “all gravy.” When something is not just good, but lacks any of the downside or dissatisfaction one may normally expect to encounter in an otherwise positive experience. It is a reference to the use of gravy as a sauce to cover drier foods, and refers to an evenly spread amount of gravy so that while eating the meal one does not find any dry spots where there is no or insufficient gravy.

Can also refer to sex that is good from start to finish.

That trip to the beach was all gravy, no dry spots! So glad the clouds didn’t show up till after we left.

by Greymatter1416 July 21, 2023

Give 'er all the way

A Canadian slang phrase referring to doing something with maximum effort, most typically with a complete disregard for any consequences of doing such. Also carries connotations of the behaviour being at least somewhat self-destructive.

Guy 1: "Fuck, that water looks kinda deep. Maybe we should turn around"

Guy 2: "Ahhh just fuckin' give 'er all the way, you'll make it"

They didn't make it

by Khriscyle May 13, 2020

all things lead to porn

The overall foundation on which the entire internet platform, and everything that's attached to it, exists; and a generally sad testament to humanity as a species.

So, I was just searching 'cute kitten' on tik tok and a woman performing a sex act with a snake showed up.
Yeah, me too. It's strange, really. Just don't search 'pussy Willow'.
Word. I guess all things lead to porn.

by YAWA May 19, 2021

ATB (all terrain bubble)

When you smoke hookah and use a mixture of soap and water to make a smoke bubble, and the bubble is able to hit the ground and travel over all kinds of obstacles on the ground such as blankets, pillows, and shoes.

Oh shit Sam! Did you see that sick ATB (all terrain bubble) shred your shoe up?

by BRIAN1581456401 April 29, 2010