This school is located in St. John is the richest school in the LC district. We love our school and as a all-white school… we love to make fun of other districts!
her: ewww look at Merrillville and they are so ghetto…
him: yea i’m glad i don’t go to a run down school and we go to Clark Middle School
The worst school that could ever exist, has a lot of white boys and vsco girls that get on your nerves :)
" wow, Athens middle school is the worst school in Athens "
Home of the oldest living fossil, known as the famous smurf Laspada. Bernards has the best pizza around, Lennys. Buona pizza can blow me thrice. There are three categories of nards, The boomer nards that have lexus’ and can’t drive right, The Mexican Nards that are here for s good time and not for a long time, and the business owners. Nobody knows the mayor of bernards, and nobody gives a shit. If you don’t have a black addidas hoodie, you aren’t a nard. We have like 3 black people, so the N word pass is safe with them. Bernards Bitches be phlat as hell, just date someone at ridge. Oh yeah, good luck with bedminster freshmen.
“You from bernards?”
“great now suck me off”
Bernards Middle School- Home to beginner heroin junkies.
People in north end in red house 7th grade is all hoes!!! Idk y but they jus love when ppl call them that must be they name but they can break up and go out with another person the next day( cough cough a girl name jeryianetee or however tf u spell it)
Stop bein hoes north end middle school red house 7th grade
1👍 3👎
eastern heights middle school in Elyria Ohio that was and still is ghetto. so much drama is in that ghetto ass school I can’t name everything lmao. that school is full of pick mes, nicotine fiends, furries, white people who wanna be black, and kids who got herpes. anyways, the kids that got herpes only got it because they like hitting peoples vapes (that’s how it spread), 40% of the 8th graders got it😭😭
I’m praying for the Elyria Highschool rn because they gonna be freshman next year💀 goodluck and moral of the story is- don’t have sex at a young age yall😂
eastern heights middle school is a herpes infested middle school in Elyria Ohio.
Gay ass school that is being modernized after like 60 fucking years. A couple rats, ho after ho and no real gangstas. vaping in bathrooms, weak ass fights. 98% beaners. Overall, it's a good fucking school and you won't regret spending 3 years of life here.
Foo 1: you went to mission Middle school ? shit how much per g
Foo 2: $8
Foo 3: fuck rats
Successful Student: I am surrounded by retards
A school with a nice community and environment.
Irene Lopez middle school has... yes