Source Code

Dirty Bush Eye

When a dirty stripper gives you crabs in your eye.

Dude, I got got dirty bush eye from that nasty stripper.

by mamaxjemimah October 30, 2011

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George W. Bush

Worst pile of shit to ever run America. Well, he didn't fuck up everything, he did dodge that shoe.

Thank fucking Christ George W. Bush is out of office.

by JakeRyan277 February 26, 2015

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george w bush

43rd President of the United States and was formerly the 46th Governor of the State of Texas.

"My name is George W. Bush, and I approved this message."

by steven March 1, 2005

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Because, George Bush

Largely popular term with liberals who need a scapegoat to blame things on when their sole fixation on rhetoric and ideology (and therefore, inability to solve problems) is exposed to be ineffective and completely out of touch with reality

any Obama quote ever spoken, Because, George Bush.

by T_1 June 22, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

beat around the bush

1. To talk about something without mentioning it directly or avoid getting to the core of the subject--to try to bring up a subject in a roundabout way. Often motivated from a desire not to speak frankly about the subject, either because the subject is taboo, it's impolite to bring it up directly, or the conversation is perceived likely to be painful.
Well, Joe, I heard you were thinking about selling your car...

"Chris Capel"'s definition

2. To either jerk off with your dick a few inches from a vagina OR
when you're about to cum, pull it out of the vag and jerk it to finish off and cum on her pubes.

Well, Joe, I heard you were thinking about selling your car...
instead of
So, Joe, how much did you want for that Explorer of yours?
Susy, what are your plans for the future?
instead of
Susy, will you marry me? -- "Chris Capel"

"Theoretically I don't wanna beat around the bush" Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo - Bloodhound Gang

by redboy August 28, 2006

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George W. Bush

A nigga who says something happened when he really did it.

Nigga he George W. Bush ed the 911

by aghfgdz February 15, 2017

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Liberated Bush Beetle

1. most commonly a Bush Beetle that has escaped from its natural bush habitat and relocated itself in the scalp area of a sexual partner after said partner has tried on a fur turban; 2. any Bush Beetle that has escaped its natural bush habitat after sexual activity involving access of an area containing indigenous Bush Beetles.

I totally found a few Liberated Bush Beetles in my hair after that fur turban from Sandy last night.

by BennyKennedy March 29, 2009

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