When one is throwing up into a toilet
I felt really sick last night and spent most of it talking into god’s telephone.
A modern history book, podcast, radio channel, dj, graphic designer, photographer, veterinary expert bible combined into all forms of marketing. A brand anyone can reach out to. The Taco Talks who goes by multiple names; MLE, Robyn Cobb, Robyy Cobb, Kristen Wright, and TacoTheCatEmily is the host of all the platforms this News Reel is on spotify podcast, wordpress, website
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Snapchat Site, yo!
One of the country chieves has added:-ull! I say is but a nuid talk!
the most awsome thing known to man
dude, those talking monkies is so fuxin awsome
Take a dump. My Navajo grandma would use this expression.
Pull over I need to talk to the judge
it can be a flirty way of saying they want to talk more
why did we ever stop talking? - IM IN LOVE
1. In investigation, when police interrogate neighbors.
2. Slang for casual sex.
No, I didn’t sleep with your boyfriend, I just stopped by for a “knock n’ talk”.
“What are you doing tonight?” “Oh, I thought I’d do some ‘knock n’ talks’”
He’s not my boyfriend. That was just a “knock n’ talk”.