When you have explosive diarrhea and each individual item you've eaten can be identified in your waste.
I had a stomach flu last week and was firing poop omelettes out of my ass for days
poop on youtube that is disgusting
man that is just #youtube poop
A large shitty event or series of shitty events
taking place in one's immediate surrounding.
See; Shitshow
"That barfight was a real poop fiesta last night!"
"The moment the wasp nest hit the floor, it was a straight up poop fiesta all over the backyard"
A plutonium poop, is a poop commonly defined by its extraordinarily high levels radioactivity. This is due largely in part to the high concentrations of raw plutonium and Cobalt-60. The origins of plutonium poops are completely unknown, but are becoming increasingly common in public restrooms.
"dude, I think someone dropped a plutonium poop in the mens room. the smell gave me ball cancer"
When have to poop so bad you get goose bumps.
Oh my god pull over I have to poop so bad I have poop pimples.
Person who tries to draw attention to their small rear end using explicit attention seeking attire, posture or walk.
Ugh! There goes a poop pimple by me.