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The universe

Something that sends cosmic guidance to white women in their 20’s

“So I was fucking my married boss and I wasn’t sure if they were going to break up, and then I was at the gym and I saw a shirt that said chill. So then I knew the universe told me to just keep fucking my boss”

by GXS June 24, 2020

The Universe

A very big space full of a lot of nothing and some other weird shit. Like big rocks, balls of fire, balls of gas, chunks of ice, and objects so massive that even light can't escape. Its pretty cool, but also kind of unnecessary. Especially when life got added. Like existence is pointless enough, but now there are animals, and some of them are hairless apes smart enough to realise how pointless and unnecessary existence is, and how much easier it would be if none of this junk was here to begin with. Some think they know how it works and while science has discovered alot we still have no idea how big the universe is and its seemingly impossible to do so. Its billions of years old, and used to be alot smaller. Eventually all the energy will be evenly spread out across the universe so that energy wise its the same as at the start. This is known as the heat death of the universe.
Its also possible the universe is fake and nothing is real.

The universe does not care about you, your feelings, your ability to understand it, your fantasies about it, the fact that you exist, the fact you will one day stop existing, the fact that it exists, or even the fact it may stop existing one day. The closer you look at it, the less sense it makes because your brain isn't built for understanding objects as probability clouds, or time and space as one thing.

by ColourOutofSpace May 26, 2021


1. The combination of universe and sensation. Feeling as though you are part of the universe or the universe is part of you
2. Becoming one with the universe. Realizing your potential in the maximum capacity as the universe holds.

“This universation is making me realize my full potential” “I want universation so I can fully love myself

by Savagebeast1234 January 11, 2021

Design your Universe

An amazing work of art released by Dutch Symphonic Metal band Epica in 2009.

Poser: I fucking LOVE Evanescence!
True metal fan: You've never heard Epica's "Design Your Universe", have you?
Poser: Who's Epica?
True metal fan: (Beats the shit out of the poser)

by IDontLikeJigaboos April 17, 2011

wilkes university

A University in Wilkes-Barre,PA. Some love it some hate it.
Commonly referred to as "Wilkes"

Guy: So I went to Wilkes University
Girl: oh

by Hunter1910 February 23, 2016

Lo Traveling the Universe

Lo Traveling the Universe; Created by Starmo in either late 2022 or early 2023.
Is a magical girl web series following the characters of: Lo/Alora, Eislyn, Maho, and Yumeka.

Starmo has made several Lo Traveling the Universe "comics".

by Catepiteler March 15, 2023

Yappington University

A prestigious school in the city of Yappington, Rambleshire where the brightest students learn how to be professional yappers and chitchatters its currently one of the best universities in Rambleshire so far.

Person: You Know i go to harvard
Yappington student: bro i go to Yappington University

by terroristman700 December 2, 2023