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1-10 female attractiveness scale

A scale that uses a females defining features to give them an overall score
30% do she got a booty
30% cute face

30% some tig ol bitties
10% is she boring
Rate the contestant appropriately and total their score.

(you would normal start the conversation by seeing an attractive woman walk by and share a quick judgement among colleges)
Guy 1: Ay, 7
Guy 2: hmmm, nah she's like a 4
1-10 female attractiveness scale

by junglegym4221@yahoo. com September 8, 2016

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

1-10 women's attractiveness scale

A scale of one to ten on how attractive a woman is duh!

Guy 1: Did you see Cynthia last night?
Guy 2: Fuck yeah I would rate her a 10 on the 1-10 women's attractiveness scale!

by 1234bobbyyyy September 4, 2016

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bizznatch Ammendment #1:The BIATCH Limit

The First Ammendment of Da Bizznatches, which implies that the word "BIATCH" which is derived from the word "Bitch" this ammendment has been placed due to Nano using it TOO MUCH

BIATCH, BIATCH, BIATCH....Okay time to use the Bizznatch Ammendment #1: The Biatch Limit

by Captain Bizznatch March 24, 2003

9πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

. β€’ ゚ . . . . . ࢞ . β€’ β€’ ゚ Red was not An Impostor. . ' 1 Impostor remains ゚ . . , . .


. β€’ ゚ . . . . . ࢞ . β€’ β€’ ゚ Red was not An Impostor. . ' 1 Impostor remains ゚ . . , . . WHEN IMPOSTOR SUSUSUSUSSU HAAAHA

by Nice182645 May 11, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

National Air Force 1 Day

September 6 is National Air Force day wear your kicks with ur friends and take snaps

It’s National Air Force 1 Day enjoy

by Air Force God September 5, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

1-10 female attractiveness scale

A scale that guys/girls usually use to rate females that go from one to ten
One being an ugly duckling
Ten being a Beautiful Goddess

Yo what would you rate Ashley from a 1-10 female attractiveness scale wise???
Like a 1

Lol u wild

by Skrtskrt2urmomzhouse September 24, 2016

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

The 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale is a common tool that is often used by men to classify women in accordance to their physical appearance, with 10 being an absolute babe and 1 being the human equivalent of a cave troll

Bill: Dude Emma is so hot!
Smith: How high on the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale?
Bill: A definite 10
Smith: Holy shit man! She must be a goddess!

by justintimeproductions October 1, 2016

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž