Touching or rubbing the female genitalia to arousal up to orgasm
Made famous by Led Zeppelin in their song 'Houses of the Holy'
" Can I take you to the movies? Can I take you to the show? Can I be yours ever truly? Can I make your garden grow?"
The act of urinating into someone's butthole.
Sarah: "He wants to pee in my butt!"
Darren: "Ah. Sounds like somebody wants to make mud."
Making myself plaid simply means that you are cutting a plaid pattern into your skin.
Guy 1: Bro, Kaitlyn is in a mental hospital! She said “I got caught making myself plaid”!
can I make a word in the urban dictionary yes you can
October 13th Is National make out with your short friend day! You can make out with anyone that is labeled " short. "
Random tall guy: * kisses a short person*
Short person: " Why'd you do that? "
Random tall guy: " It's October 13th! National Make Out With Your Short Friend Day! "
He wants to make you thinker by sticking his dick in you repeatedly
Gf I don’t like my ass
Bf I said I can make you thicker
If she makes fun of you, she definitely wants the dick. Just be patient my boy.
"Trust me bro, if she makes fun of you, she wants the dick