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can we appreciate...

Words before disaster...

Can we appreciate... how much cum he outs in us.

by Imthehamman September 20, 2023

trash can chef

A person who uses a trash can to cook or rather steam things.

My recipe:
1. Pour 3-4 buckets of hot water inside.

2. Place food inside plastic bag, air tight as possible. This can be many different things like carrots and stuff.
3. Wrap that plastic bag with aluminum foil.

4. Throw inside garbage can. Wait 2-3 hours.
5. Steamed vegetables. Yum.

Tom: Hey! Did you see the trash can chef over there?
Mark: Yeah. I wonder what he's cooking.
Tom: He's probably cooking a rat or two.

by LordoftheNinthCloud September 6, 2015


If u call 1-800-LUDWIG he will make sure u can get u a little sister. Hes Organization is free just make sure ur mother is in the house and cover ur ear its going to be wild after that he will abonden u due child support evasion and wait 9 months and viola :)) bonus in this service is ur mother will get stds

ah man sucks to be u that u dont have a sister. Oh wait U WANT A SISTER? U WANT IT? U CAN HAVE IT MY FRIEND.

by Ludwig_Doom August 4, 2021

How stupid can you be?

When you are mad at someone for game ending you fair and square in fortnite and decide to report him for stream sniping.

*A random fortnite streamer was eliminated from the game*
The random fortnite Streamer: Watch for the emo watch for the emo

NFL Skin: *Dances for one second*
The random fortnite Streamer: *Reports the NFL skin for stream sniping* What an idiot. How stupid can you be?

by Adam's Speget December 11, 2018

pop a can

To actually notice something or care about something

Bro you know I pop a can for you

by Lyner September 21, 2019

can you shower with that on

Meaning if you’re showing off a chain or a piece of jewelry to ask them this if it’s fake or not

Josh:"look at my new ice"
Rick: " but can you shower with that on?"

by Izza avalos December 23, 2017

can you sit on six?

This question is usually asked in a joking way towards I girl. It is means can you comfortably sit on six inches of dick

Ay yo Lucia can you sit on six?”

by Lucia’s friend February 25, 2021