stop wasting ur time searching up "urban dictionary" on fucking Urban Dictionary!
"look at this definition on Urban Dictionary of the word Urban Dictionary"
A website that’s full of poggers and members trying to be funny and confuse the elderly.
Grandma: What does hentai mean?
Man: Search it up in urban dictionary.
Results: Friendly content, go watch it!
Later on,
Grandma: Oh my god, This urban dictionary is amazing!
The site you are seeing this word right now.
Man theres some strange shit on the Urban Dictionary
Where people go to bully other people
Why did John commit suicide?
He was bullied on Urban Dictionary
One of the top dictionary's at the internet
What you're using now
the urban dictionary is awesome
A place where people can go to threaten to kill you
Did you see that someone threatened to murder your wife on urban dictionary? Even your address is there
Noooooooooo hmmmmmmm uh?
Person 1: "Hey, I searched up supercalifragilisticexpialidocous on Urban Dictionary today!"
Person 2: "What does it mean?"
Person 1: "Sex!"