The three magic words to get someone in instant maximum trouble and automatically unwelcome in any group indefinitely.
A: *literally just exists*
B: He makes me uncomfortable
A: *banned forever*
The month where none of the girls wear make up to show their true self
Friend 1:Have you seen her she's so ugly
Friend 2:yeah it's because it's no make-up march
Said of a woman who may lack in one bodily attribute, but MAKES UP for it by having a better baodily attribute elsewhere.
Roger: Hey, Dave! What do you think of that new girl Sherri in history class?
Dave: She's OK. She is a make-up girl, though.
Roger: Make-up girl?
Dave: Yes. She does not have big tities, but does MAKE UP for it by having a nice ass. She's not like Denise in Chemistry class, who does not have a nice ass, but makes up for it by having lovely big tities.
When the friction from anal f*cking makes the corn from last night’s tacos start popping.
Hey, honey! Wanna make popcorn tonight?
When the friction from anal f*cking makes the corn from last night’s tacos start popping.
Hey, honey! Wanna make popcorn tonight?
; an idiom used sarcastically concerning any individual who's rude or abusive towards others verbally or physically.
Now that was so wrong. Guess it's just another way of making new friends?
They are just searching for upvotes. They're emotional manipulators and just make people with such names feel good about themselves.
Anna: Oh my god, urban dictionary says i'm beautiful!
Me: That's not true, the people who make definitions of names on urbandictionary want you to feel happy so you can upvote their definition. It's an emotional manipulation.
Anna: Oh... that's fucked up!