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Mug Moment

When Phillip Pietrobon cant use a computer, it's a mug moment.

"How do I open File Explorer"
"That's a Mug Moment"

by Itsyerrrboi January 21, 2019

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C-dog Moment

Something that is witnessed that involves certain Alabamian cultures such as ones which involve sisters and brothers.

*hears man call his siblings attractive*
“Oh my god, that is such a c-dog moment

by ItsKdyn September 10, 2021

3👍 1👎

Get out moment

When some one states somthing akward leading to an akward the only way to prevent it (stop it if it has already happened) is to tell the person to leave by saying "just get out"

Guy 1: dude i was jacking off and
guy 2: dude im sorry but your gonna have to leave
guy 1 walks out
guy 3: that was the best get out moment ive ever seen

by I gave the following definition December 31, 2011

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nursing home moment

An event in your life that could result in a memory that would bring a smile to your face at some future date when your remember it.

Let the old geezer have his NHM (Nursing Home Moment), probably remember when he lost his virginity.

by AndyFM January 11, 2022

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Schrödinger’s Bruh Moment

An event which can be described as both a bruh moment and a cringe moment at the same time.

Well that was a Schrödinger’s Bruh Moment I cant decide whether to say “bruh” or “cringe

by Beta hater June 1, 2020

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Certified Frieza Moment

A certified Frieza moment is when, you conquer a group of people, a nation, a world, or a universe. Its a example of taking the W

“Yo, I heard you conquered the southern galaxy, thats a Certified Frieza moment

by Friezasagamerngl June 20, 2022

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blue water moment

The magical moment when you arrive early at work, and go into the still bathroom to discover you are the first occupant of the stall.

He arrived at dawn, and opening toilet door, he saw to his delight, the clear blue water in the bowl, confirming he was the first occupant, and settled down to a blue water moment.

by wslngy October 12, 2015

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