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nigga gang bang

A lot of black woman that are fucking with black guys

Sup homies wanna do a nigga gang bang?
I would love to fuck a lot of black girls

by Tob- June 26, 2019

solo gang

mob with variety of pschological disorders

Solo gang is a family on BIGO live full of mob with variety of pschological disorders.

by All women are bitch ass cunts November 9, 2023

happy gang

A group of people much similar to a gang, but instead of doing things considered "bad" they do things considered good.

Ryan joined the local churches happy gang.
The happy gang planted trees last Sunday.

by Tom Brady has a small PP February 1, 2017

Gentleman's Gang

Term used in polite conversation amongst African-Americans to describe a strip club and/or orgy.

"Oh! Hello there Tyrone! You missed my Gentleman's Gang meeting the other night!"

"I was having my own Gentlemen's Gang meeting with my neighbors, DeShawn and Ebony."

by ShaniceJohnsonMohawnson March 27, 2012

Gang Humping

When a bunch of people in a game are attacking you without attacking each other.

Quenton: All these shotgun players are gang humping me.
Bob Billy Joe: At least you're getting humped.

by WolvesMyth November 26, 2019

ganged up

The adjective used to describe an extremely inebriated person. On any substance.


Person 1: "This weed has me big stoned"
Person 2: "I'm big ganged up shorty"

by gangedupshorty!! April 12, 2017

Bitch gang

The most deadly gang in the south part of the United states of America

Oh shit it's the bitch gang run before they rape are churches and burn

are women

by Yuungjforever December 31, 2021