Slang: Flip out, Snap, Go Postal. To quit your job in a blaze of profanity, and destruction of private property. Preferably while steeling beer. Reserved for flight-attendants and effemenent men.
Flight attendant Steven Slater sure did "Blow a Chute" today when he swore at a passenger over the P.A., grabbed two beers, then exited the plane using the emergency slide.
When you wrap ground pencil lead in paper and then you make 2 ends like a flute and blow out a smoke cloud with your mouth. Must say Taste the Rainbow! before blowing even if it is not rainbow colored.
I wrapped ground pencil lead in paper and assumed position to commit Leadiculic Particle Blowing on my bully’s face, shouted “Taste the Rainbow!”
When you blow in a girls ass hole after you have anal and it sounds like your blowing across the opening of a bottle.
I pulled out and started blowing jugs in her wide open ass.
Whenever he bends down to pick up anything he can’t help but blow a waffle so loud it will startle the bejeezus outta you.
She blow him a kiss and he fell off his bike
Blowed- Verb , action, meaning pastence of inflation.
Wreck_ noun, thing, means results of an incident that can cause extream outcomes whether its negative or positive example: His last concerts blowed wreck.
Is a person who have a medical card to purchase A cannabis card allows you to purchase medical marijuana from a retailer, known as a dispensary and a person who part takes in that active lifestyle but not in home or apartment or workplace or car or bathroom ever pending on the outside check your state.
A medical blow down person is a person with a medical card to purchase marijuana, or medical cannabis, uses the cannabis plant or chemicals in it to treat symptoms or conditions.
The audio professional equivalent to "Break a Leg".
"Hey, blow an amp tonight!" Tom said to Vern as they bumped fists backstage before the concert.
"Thanks! Let's have a great show!", Vern replied.