Swag is something that everyone has within them. You must dig deep to find your swag. It could take many years until you mature and find your swag or you could be born with it. Swag is so special in a human. Everyone has swag, yes, even Jake Paul. Find your swag.
James Charles: unleash your inner artist to be swag
Stephenson: unleash your inner swag to be an artist
SWAG is an acronym that stands for "Stuff We All Get", although it is commonly and jokingly explained as "Secretly We Are Gay" or "Sex With A Girl".
People who use SWAG alot use it when talking about something cool or sexy, however using SWAG seriously will just make you look retarded.
(In the distance) Douchebag: Oh man I've got so much swag!
Person 1: Man that guy's such a retard.
Person 2: ikr
an exaggerated form of artistic expression, often shown by the swag money of today's youth
"Can you kids take your swag elsewhere? It is infringing on my vibe, bro!"
Swag: daniela bc she’s so awag
Is that daniela? Bc she’s so swag
SWAG stands for Secretly We Are Gay and was used in the olden days to tell people if youre a homosexual without being harassed
I'm SWAG are you?