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yacking the alphabet off

To talk incessantly! Blow one’s phone up.

Look at that poor guy over at the bar, that girl is yacking the alphabet off. Yeh he can’t get a word in.

I am so sorry I was yacking the alphabet off yesterday. I will refrain from blowing your phone up

by Yetilove August 24, 2021

alphabet soup (>:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now u know your ABC's next time won't you sing with me (>:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now u know your ABC's next time won't you sing with me (>: (also alphabet soup (>:)

by doveeeeeeeeee November 6, 2020

alphabet cock

penis shaped like the alphabet.

"woah hes got an alphabet cock

by sadlkghgiuas; November 30, 2021

alphabetical easements

Da act of not requiring ya to either endure some hardship/drudgery, such as:

beesement: relief from da constant "buzz" dat ya get when someone else tends da apiary for a spell
breezement: ya don't hafta either fart or "have yer cheek visited too roughly" by passing airflow
brieasement: permission to eat firmer cheeses like cheddar or mozzarella
ceasement: either not being made to stop some desired action, or having some action dat ya dislike stopped
cheesement: ya can have extra tasty cultured-milk slices in yer sandwich or burger
Cleesement: ya don't hafta sit in on everyone else's viewing of "Fawlty Towers" reruns
creasement: what a clothes-iron provides
feesement: da waiving of normally-levied service-charges
fleasement: what regularly bathing and properly feeding yer furry pet can provide
freezement: not having to either be outside in da colder weather or be denied access to yer assets
geesement: not having to deal wif all of those noisy messy feathered honkers in da back yard
greasement: what ya get when a mechanic does da maintenance-work on yer jalopy
keysement: where ya don't hafta bother wif fiddly little metal lock-opening implements
kneesement: what those padded strap-on cups help to provide when hunkering down on hard/rough surfaces
leasement: where yer landlord or realtor doesn't require a written contract to utilize a property
peasement: either serving yer hungry self a steaming bowl of oatmeal, or not making ya eat said bland/disgusting cereal

Additional examples of alphabetical easements:
pleasement: what speaking politely and/or trying to cater to one's preferences can provide
queasement: what dat "yucky pink stuff" in da triangular bottle supposedly provides
Reesement: being given an orange-wrappered candy bar to munch on
rhesusement: not having to deal wif noisy/jumpy primates, or being given/loaned a cute monkey as a therapy animal
seesement: what putting up a privacy fence gives ya from nosy neighbors
seizement: refers to either (1) what Loctite Silver-Grade lubricant provides, or (2) what filing for Chapter 11 does regarding credit-vultures
sleazement: protection from "shady" characters
Smeesement: what Peter Pan enjoyed whenever Captain Hook's first mate wasn't around
sneezement: what ya hopefully get from taking cold-and-flu meds
squeezement: comfort dat a hug provides, or relief from time/budgetary constraints
teasement: what ya get when yer bratty little cousin is in school or away at camp
thesement: what ya enjoy when just dealing wif "those" instead
treesement: what ya intermittently encounter when traveling along sporadically-wooded terrain
weesement: what a kindergarten teacher savors before/after class, or what ya finally achieve after all of dat coffee ya guzzled finally finishes "going right through ya"
wheezement: da relief from being constantly outta breath dat Pat McManus gets when he practices da MFFFF
zeesement: "Ahhh, sweet sleep... dat knits up da ragged sleeve of care."

by QuacksO June 12, 2024

alphabetical easements

Assorted "from A to Z" relief-from-standard-requirements allowances, such as:
beesement: Where someone else volunteers to "get a buzz" managing da apiary so dat you can clear yer head for a while
breezement: Where you are allowed to either "fart proudly" or avoid "having yer cheek visited too roughly" by passing air-currents
ceasement: Not having to stop something you enjoy
cheesement: Being allowed to eat softer milk-curd solids instead of firmer-textured selections like Swiss or cheddar
Cleesement: Not having to sit in on a group-viewing of "Fawlty Towers" re-runs
creasement: Not having people fuss if yer clothes aren't ironed
Creesement: Where you are free to treat all Native-American tribes da same way
feesement: Having a service-charge waived
freezement: Not making you shiver yer a** off working outdoors in colder weather
geesement: Not having to deal wif all those annoying big white "honkers" in da farmyard
geezement: Fellow humans' refraining from expressing displeasure about your faults
greasement: Having someone else operate da lubing-gun
jeezement: Same deal as two definitions back
keysement: Not having to DIDDLE wif those FIDDLY little brass lock-opener devices, like if your ride uses a wireless remote
kneesement: What those squishy-foam mats or padded strap-on cups allow yer leg-joints when squatting on hard/rough surfaces
leasement: Not having to sign an agreement to use a dwelling or property
leesement: Being allowed "safe harbor"

More alphabetical easements:
measement: Not having to just think of others all da time
niecement: Not having to deal wif yer kid-brother's bratty pigtailed ankle-biter
peasement: Not having to either shell sphere-shaped veggies or eat yucky cereal
pleasement: Not having to either kowtow to others or speak super-politely
queasement: Being given a rest-break 'cuz you're feeling "rumbly in yer tumbly"
Reesement: Being given an orange-wrapped candy bar to munch on
seesement: Not having to either keep yer eyes open or remember/report what you observe
seizement: Either having others keep their grabby hands off'n you, or having Loctite LB 8150 applied to metal parts
sleazement: Freedom from "shady" dealings
Smeesement: What Peter Pan got whenever Captain Hook's right-hand man was absent
sneezement: What cold-and-flu remedies hopefully will provide
spreesement: Relief from a noticeable uptick in something
squeezement: Not having to be subjected to a hardship or bear-hug
teasement: Having others either respect your feelings or not serve you disgusting herbal-brew
teesement: Not having to play golf, wear undershirts, or cross a certain letter of da alphabet
threesement: Being allowed to just deal wif either two-or-less or four-or-more items
treesement: Not having to deal wif large/tall plants
tweezement: Being allowed to leave your lashes/brows as they grow naturally
wheezement: What Pat McManus gains from following da MFFFF.
zeesement: Being allowed some shut-eye

by QuacksO June 15, 2024

NATO alphabet

An alphabet that consists of words which begin with the letters of the standard English alphabet

Have you ever learned about the NATO alphabet? It goes like this: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

by bluestinger66 August 27, 2022

alphabetical authorities

Da "top people" whom folks consult for advice/assistance on a variety of ordinary topics dat are randomly scattered about over da "ol' 26" in da English language.

Da seven most common types of alphabetical authorities are:
(1) hexpert --- someone who is super-familiar with voodoo and curses; hopefully he uses said vast witchcraft-knowledge to remove or alleviate said evil spells, not to put them on in da first place!
(2) mexpert --- an individual well-versed in all matters "south of da border".
(3) pexpert --- a plumber who is well-versed in da use of freeze-resistant plastic piping
(4) rexpert --- a learned bookworm on da subject of certain animals, either man's best friend or da huge hunched-over carnivores back in da Jurassic period.
(5) sexpert --- someone who can advise couples on achieving more satisfying intimacy.
(6) texpert --- a dude who knows all about da "black-tea"-rich southern-USA area dat is Ranger Walker's usual stompin' grounds.
(7) vexpert --- a human-nature guru with extensive experience on what pushes people's buttons; again --- as in da first example above --- presumably he uses said know-how to help **reduce** already-existing frustration/distress in others, not to purposely exhibit destructive behavior dat would cause people to **become** wound up when they had felt reasonably calm before! (Da infamous "gettin', getters, got"exchange between Madea and Dr. Phil comes to mind.)

by QuacksO February 7, 2020