a cassy is a person that loves to shave and eat the calluses off of a persons feet. they consider themselves a weeb and a "mall goth". a cassy is also a person who loves dreamsmp. especially tommyinit.
Person 1(cassy): h-h-hh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hhey..
Person 1(cassy): U-u-u-u-uUwU im sorry!! can i lick in between your toes to eat your toe jam so you feel better? Im just a silly baka merp! Im such a Cassy loves Ava!!!
a selfie taken above the head exposing the double chin and inner pain only to be used if depressed or hurt by the opposite gender
ah i see you’re using the cassie angle. who hurt you?
When you spank a coworker on the way out of work to let them know you are leaving
I pulled an Old Texas Cassie Goodbye when leaving for the doctor the other day and now I'm getting fired.
Embodying the essence of coolness, charisma, and confidence to such a degree that it's almost an art form. Inspired by those named Cassie who seem to have an innate ability to be effortlessly chic, captivating, and trendsetting.
Did you see how she handled that presentation and then rocked the after-party? She's totally being a Cassie tonight!
Why are you so relaxed and stylish all the time? Are you trying the whole "being a Cassie" thing?
A woman of many talents, can sing, dance, act, wrestle, host and is the best dog mom ever. Her beauty is only matched by her kindness. Hates slow drivers and can't bake cookies to save her life.
If more people were like Cassie Lee the world would be a better place.
Intricate story regarding C(ass)andra Cambo.
Can't believe the big plot twist in the cassy-lore was that a ton of bisexual people fall for her! Didn't see that (cum)ming!
When something ist not just cool but cool cassis.
A: today i ate 3 bananas
B: wow cool cassis