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Devious Lick

Stealing items or objects to get 2 more followers on tiktok, most of the time this act is done in a school’s bathroom.

Hey dude I just devious licked this bathroom and now i’m arrested for destruction of property.

by yobruhforrealontheurbandic September 13, 2021

devious lick

A TikTok trend where high schoolers steal things from high school. Be careful because there's a chance that you'll be warned or arrested.

"Ay, check this out, I'm about to hit the most devious lick."
"Do it, bro. Ain't no way they're gonna see it again!"

by denz5310 September 16, 2021

Devious Lick

A "Devious Lick" is where a 9-year-old TikToker steals or destroys something from their school and puts it on the internet.

:Child: Yo dude did you do the Devious Lick on TIKTOK?

:TIKTOKER Child: Yeah I did!

:Me: *Shoots Children*

by Mungus_Fungus_YT September 23, 2021

devious lick

When you score an absolutely naughty prize by stealing. The bigger or more funny the item you swiped is, the more devious the lick. Stealing for possession of an item is not a devious lick.

You stole a soap dispenser from school? That's a devious lick my guy.

Similar to: " I just copped this sick soap dispenser"

by Monkey. September 17, 2021

devious lick

A stupid TikTok "trend", where teenage children will steal items from a public workplace or school enviorment, like soap dispensers, urinals or sometimes even entire toilets, and call it a "devious lick", or at sometimes a "diabolical lick" or "despicable lick" and so on. It comes from lick meaning theft and devious meaning to be sneaky.

Some TikTok Teenager: Only 1 week into school and I hit this absolutely devious lick 😈😈

by Sparrow.3131 September 22, 2021

Devious lick

When you steal something of great value

Just hit a devious lick

by Butt lick 2 September 11, 2021

Devious Oinkster’ Lick

Stealing “Oinkster’” pig key chains for little ass kids.

You: hey
Person: hi
You: Wanna hit a “Devious Oinkster’ Lick?”
Person: bet
You: Snatches pig keychain from little kid*
Person: 🙀💀
You: uh daddy 🐱👈👈👈👈

by Casuals2992 October 27, 2021