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Glazed Rossi

When one friend hasn't seen another for an extended period of time, withholding ejaculation for at least 3 months and finally culminating in a triumphant explosive release of semen, glazing their friend.

When we finally had the boys trip we'd been planning for months, I made sure I prepared to deliver a glazed rossi!

by ScotchySpark October 25, 2023

Glazed Pumpkin

When recieving oral from a woman, and you ejaculate into her mouth. The ejaculate then drips onto your scrotum creating a greasy pumpkin.

Amanda was giving me head when I came in her mouth. She let it drip on my pumpkin. I was not ready for a glazed pumpkin!

by glazing October 14, 2011

the glazing squad

Top notch window fitters and overall legends.

Person 1 - I need some window repairs and double glazed units changed.

Person 2 - call the glazing squad they're the best.

by Tgsgang November 24, 2021

Homie glaze

A non homosexual act in which your homie releases semen onto your face. Usually follows a brojob.

A: Hey man can I get a brojob
B: Yeah no problem, you want a homie glaze too?
A: You know it

by Declanmar September 12, 2019

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Glazed basket

Someone who sleeps around such as a woman who has had sex with many guys.

You don't wanna mess with her. She's a glazed basket.

by outoftouch December 31, 2010

Glaze Factor

The amount of times a person is thought of as a fantasy subject by men masterbating per week.
GLAZE FACTOR = the number of men getting off X the amount of times they masterbate to the subject per day X 7 days

That is a very pretty polce officer, with the amount men she works with and the amount of men she sees in public weekly I bet that her glaze factor is well over 100

by December 3, 2021

Honey Glaze

The act of having sex with a woman or man who has a bad spray tan where the spray tan, in all the activity, rubs off on your partner and "glazing" him/her.

Man: Excuse me sir but I couldn't help but notice your uneven spray tan..

Guy: Oh me? Why thank you, but its not a spray tan, it's just a honey glaze!

Man: Oh goodness, I remember my first honey glaze, sorry, have a nice day!

by justanothervictimoftheghetto May 11, 2010

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