Source Code

Gum Smuggling

When a friend asks you for a piece of gum, and to avoid being asked by others for a piece you slip it under a desk, give them a high five, or a random handshake.

Paul: (whispers) Yo Don, can I have some of yr gum?

Don: (out of no where) HIGHFIVE MAN! (slips him the gum as their hands meet for the highfive)

Steven: Wow guys, that was the most poorly performed act of gum smuggling i've ever seen, btw can i get a piece?

by wheredyougo June 6, 2009

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A scholarly term for female masturbation.

"It doesn't matter that Brad didn't call because I'm busy thumbing-the-gums anyway."

by Nora J. April 24, 2010

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blue gum

a racist term for a black person

look at how black that blue gum is.

by gdtms April 5, 2018

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gobble gum

Where someone without teeth gives you a blowjob.

Wow... I saw your grandmother last night and got a great gobble gum.

by Dexter FIshbourne November 11, 2015

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Morning Gum

When you wake up in the morning with cum in your mouth from the night before.

Room mate: Ew what's that in your mouth
Britney: Oh damn that's morning gum from hanging out with Randy last night, guess I didn't notice it.

by Klara Kash May 23, 2013

Meat Gum

The final stages of a Slim Jim.

Why not buy the Slim Jim? At least you get some meat gum to extend your purchase.

by HonkeyDonkeyDoo October 3, 2019

Gum Cutters

The PG rated version of cum gutters

Man 1: I’m doing a lot of ab exercises so eventually I can develop my gum cutters.
Man 2: Don’t you mean cum gutters?
Man 1: Watch your mouth!

by Smykovsy January 22, 2021