Mix and blend is an art form, and something that all true Junglists understand.
When a DJ has two tunes held together - she is mixing them.
They are being mixed.
This is the point where you usually shout 'fuck off'.
When the DJ transitions those tunes in and out smoothly, with such a finesse that you cannot tell the track is really changing, she is blending.
Person 1 - "That was a sick mix"
Person 2 - "yeah, proper mix and blend"
See Fabio and Grooverider.
Person 1 - "That was a sick mix"
Person 2 - "yeah, proper mix and blend"
Free pouring bourbon and having 3/4 bourbon and 1/4 Coca Cola with ice
Do you want me to make you a Riddle mix
Mixed race people are often thought of being half black and half white but you do not have to be half or black and white to be mixed race. You can be mixed white,asian,hispanic,black and so many more. You do not even have to half another race to be mixed race. If one of your grandparents are a different race and they are definitely an actual grandparent you can be mixed. You stop being mixed race when another race is filtered down through generations. If someone cant tell you are mixed race because you look whiter or more asian or more black, good indications are hair, a slight tint in your skin colour/color, eyes and even height.
Person 1- Homie are you Mixed race your hair makes you look it
Person 2- Ye my grandparent (dad,mum/mom) is black(asian,white,hispanic e.t.c)
The act of sticking your thumb up your butthole then subsequently inserting it in your partner's butthole. Both parties then lick the content of their own thumbs similar to when licking the brownie batter off a whisk.
My girlfriend and I had some brownie mix after our Chipotle date.
My partner and I used brownie mix to spice up our relationship.
Cooking economics - A substance added with milk than heated can create pancakes which is the best breakfast better yet food in the history of mankind!
Popularity - A substance which when eaten raw, straight from the box will make you instantly cool and popular! Usually accomplished by men!
Pancake mix - one's friends' favorite food!
"You aint got no pancake mix!" - informing you are lame, weak, or a complete loser!
Person#1 - "Excuse me sir aren't you gonna add any milk to that pancake mix?"
Person#2 - "What, you think im some sort of pansy???"
Person#1 - "Check out that guys pancake mix!"
Person#2 - "Yeah i heard he jugs it everyday!!!"
Person#1 - "What did i say about checkin out my mother flippin pancakes?" (Sometimes mother flippin used as an adjective describing the pancakes!) (Other times it is used to literally check out ones mom that is currently occupied flipping pancakes!)
Person#2 - "Sorry your moms' cooking turns me on!!!"
Hardcore Cool Cat - "I'm bakin bacon while im bacon mancakes! UUUGGGGHHHH!!!! Doesn't get more manlier than that!!!"
Hardcore Cool Cat - "We aint talkin about no pancakes! We talkin bout raw straight from the box mancake mix!!!"
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When at least 4 men of different ethnic backgrounds stand in a circle around a decorative holiday themed bowl and simultaneously stick their scrotoms into the aforementioned bowl.
After the guys made some mixed nuts, they all docked.
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The person capable of mixing the best alcoholic drinks, even with a lack of ingredients. By combining even the most bizarre and unique beverages that would appear to be a terrible combination, the Mix Master impresses all by creating a delicious mixed drink suitable for almost anyone. Those who attempt a Mix Master Drink that are not of Mix Master Status often times fail misserably.
Caution: This drink should only be attempted under Mix Master supervision
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