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The Franco-Polo Offensive Gambit

A chess move so incredibly convoluted and confusing, which often is effectively a surrender, which is used to confuse the opponent.

Im going to use The Franco-Polo Offensive Gambit against eryk next time I play him in chess.

by Fragmoid November 24, 2023

kaukau lou polo i le wire

The samoan phrase meaning, you are a friend i cherish. It is used in a platonic way to show love between friends.

Kaukau lou polo i le wire!!”
“Wow! Thank you! I cherish our friendship too!”

by ai kae <3 September 19, 2022

Polo Collar Criminal

Millennial/Gen-X male (usually white) who is not highly skilled and doesn’t come from family money but has a nice car, nice house/apartment & disposable income. Typically involved insurance fraud or MLM’s or direct marketing. Almost never prosecuted.

How does Brad spend 3 hours at Lifetime Fitness everyday and drive a 5 series BMW? He’s a polo collar criminal bro…

by JG500 August 27, 2022


Polo is also known as polu and popo.
And we should add UwU in end of it.

"polo uwu polu uwu popo uwu"

by Cool guy 60 December 7, 2021


polo is the boy who audrey loves most

wowwww audrey said she loves polo moreee. good thing she’s right!

by xoxoxbae June 18, 2022


polo is the person who audrey loves most.

wowww audrey saw polo today and said she loves him moreeee.

by xoxoxbae June 18, 2022


Ya fackin nats brah

I stick ma polos in ya maddah and sistahs mouf brah

by Oofyamaddah December 18, 2019