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A freaking incredible and amazing person. She is smart, funny, nice, and she's always there to listen when you need to talk. She is always incredibly honest, and doesn't lie about her opinions. She is exuberant of joy and laughter, and she's passionate about the things she loves. She is also sometimes sad, and when something's wrong, it deeply affects her feelings. Ariane is a fucking loyal friend, and she'll always stand by you. She fights for her opinions, and she's the best at cheering you up and reassuring you. She is also very loving, and she gives fucking great hugs. When someone tries to cut her down, well, don't try, cuz she'll look down on you until you die. She really is an amazing girl, and deserves the world.

Ariane, you are goddamn awesome.

by gucciswagonyou December 12, 2018

819πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Ariane is a very funny, beautiful, sweet, hot girl. She has a short dark hair, and shes short. You would always want to be around her! She smiles and laughs alot!

Guy: Hey do you know ariane! Oh man she has everything I've been looking for! she's hot and funny! Damn wish i could date her.
Guy2: I need to meet this girl!

by Hsubq123q January 3, 2018

67πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A notably striking individual that exemplifies every essense of the words beauty and elegance. See hottie.

I am truely impressed by Ariane's free spirit and good hearted nature.

by A4_SV650 May 21, 2004

747πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž


Ariane, is myself. So let’s describe myself. Ariane is a blonde hair girl who likes a lot of things. Even though she try as hard as she can to not be insecure but she can’t. Ariane thinks she’s overweight and ugly. Even if a lot of people just insult her and are really mean, but she lives it inside and cry at night. Too scared to talk about her feelings, anxiety shows up. She doesn’t have a really developed love life, never had a boyfriend, but her she is rich in friends. Finally Ariane is a girl that needs to know that SHE IS BEAUTIFUL.

Ariane is gorgeous but she doesn’t know it.

by Hola girl November 24, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A sexual sexual fish that i really love. Everyone loves ariane

Me: Hey Ariane you sexual fish that i love

Ariane: I am awesome.

by iamsoooawesomelololol May 19, 2011

140πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


A young, nerdy-type individual who sees debauchery and bisexuality everywhere.

-Dude, that Ariane is so creepy !
-Yeah, just because i said that Sophie had a ponytail yesterday, Ariane got weird ideas about her having wild adventures with a horse..
-Gosh !

by Susuuu78 January 6, 2012

40πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


An extremely under developed girl who forgets her own name and is constantly having violent spasms due to lack of self control.

"Dude, did you see that Ariane at the party last night? We tryed to through her out at first because she looked like a sixth grader and then she had these spasms and we called the hospital cause we thought she was having a seizure."

by Shebangwolfdude August 27, 2008

102πŸ‘ 408πŸ‘Ž