When u can bet on that booty cuz it saves life’s
“I don’t own a pillow, my bitchs a booty bet, I sleep on dat shit”
A actual fact that is used as a bet. Or a way to confirm something
“Parker you’re looking really good today and that’s a factual bet” “it’s a factual bet that the sky is blue”
It is an actual fact that is used as a bet. Or can be used to confirm something
"Parker you look really good today and that's a factual bet" " Its a factual bet that the sky is blue"
To verbally destroy someone. Term became widely used as a result of the British Soap Opera character Bet Lynch, a wise cracking barmaid famous for put downs.
Don't nit pick with them. Last time I did I got Bet Lynched.
Used when you agree with someone on a lit level.
Tj: Aye bro are you trying to got to a party.
Ray: yeah for sure.
Tj: alright pick You up at 8:00
Ray: alright bet those
A Nan, or Gran, who doesn't mind gambling her family's lives away, she will do anything for a good bet.
"who's got the bet-Nan?"
"you, you illiterate fuck"
A bet you would take back if you could.
Since I don't welsh, I must pay this regret bet (sigh).