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Can you pick up an oz. of Covfefe?
Let's go smoke some Covfefe

by ToranceN December 12, 2018


Confused by the use of power of been denied from second party personal.

Originated from Donald Trump's tweet: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"

"i am covfefe about why i cant turn on the TV when its my choice to do so"

by celestialskyler July 28, 2017



Politically motivated revenge, especially by proxy.


Of or pertaining to covfefe.


To achieve or pursue covfefe.

"The Cold War was largely an exchange of covfefe, with many covfefe efforts undertaken by both sides. In Today's Modern Global Society many nations covfefe themselves, through eachother."

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe."

"We have nothing to covfefe, but covfefe itself."

"Covfefe my covfefe."

by genius00 June 9, 2018


A type of trump slang for the Russian president putin

it is time for covfefe

by jawsome1228 December 4, 2017


Literally, knowing the difference between your shit and knowing you're shit.

Trump doesn't know the difference between covfefe and Shinola.

by Dicktionary Den September 8, 2018


The most rudimentary game known to mankind, played by banging one's face into any inanimate object

Covfefe is to checkers as checkers is to chess

by Gophersan May 31, 2017

32๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone has a Stroke mid tweet

Yeah, he had a covfefe and never really recovered.

by SydneyTom May 31, 2017

28๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž