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A person or entity created to control the populous. Look at early history, who really controlled the tribes of primitives? The Shaman or medicine-man thats who. Power or the grab for power is where God(s) came from. Early Greeks used gods to explain away things they did not understand. How else could these religions write in their books of enlightenment. Thou Shalt Not Kill-- Yet god help Sampson slay 10,000 Isrelites with the jawbone of an ass(small cross breed equinie used for transportation)Or slay untold numbers of people in Sodom and Ghamora. Or say turn the other cheek then say VENGENCE is MINE sayeth the Lord. Phhhhhttttt.

For God so loved the world he gave his only begotton son. Yet he won't do a dang thing about people being killed for their shoes, because they happen to live on a different street, or they don't believe in your god. :-0

God thats sick.

by mdizn February 3, 2005

34πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


The Creator of it all. The One who made the whole enchalada we call the Universe. One whose Name is disgraced and used by fanatics, false prophets, and politicians. God has many names in every language.

God loves all His children. He hates sin but he loves everyone. So all you people who think "God hates fags", or hates "infidels" or non-Christians or any other type of people - put that in your pipe and smoke it. God created all of us, He loves all of us.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 17, 2006

82πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


The safety blanket used by anicient peoples to defend themselfs from the unknown. Later developed into a system of control. For some strange reason, people still believe in him.

Common arguments for the existance of god; "God is great, god is good, god exists, the proof is in the Bible"

Common arguments for the non-existance of god; The world, people, George Bush, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, all other science, phychology (its only use), common sense.

by pal_sch July 30, 2004

102πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


A fire breathing duck-billed platypus currently living in a bag of Cheetos that can be purchased in a Fred Meyer grocery store in Eugene, Oregon. But if you buy that bag of Cheetos with God in it, God will relocate to a different bag of Cheetos before you can see what God looks like. There are two reasons for this. First of all, if we laid our eyes upon God, in all Her Glory, we would be unworthy and we would be consumed by the fires of justice that spring forth from Her Sacred Platypus Bill. The second reason God disappears from an opened Cheetos bag is because belief in God must be purely a matter of faith. God does not want us to see Her, for that would not allow us to make the leap of faith toward knowing Her and all Her Fiery Platypus Ways.

Some say, however, that God should give us proof of Her divine existence. Even the holiest of Saints have cried out for a sign. Recall the words of St. Wallaby of Beaverton: β€œFor if we are unworthy to see you, O Dear Platypus, can you not give us an earthly sign of your Fiery Bill?” Recall also the writings in Captain Kangaroo’s epistle to the Marsupials, where he pleads β€œbreathe your Sacred Platypus Fire underwater, O Lord, so that we may see proof of your ability to defy nature!”

But yea, St. Wallaby and Captain Kangaroo, have you not forgotten the words of Our Savior Herself? β€œBlessed are those who have not seen and still believe!” We cannot put God, Our Lady of Pendleton, to the test. For it was the Great Wallaroo of Portland who said that β€œthe observance of Our Lady’s miracles are no different from the miracles of Our Lady herself.” In other words, seeing Her blessed miracles is no different than seeing the Most Holy Platypus in Her Holy Flesh, for then we cannot develop the faith by which we will know Her.

Don't agree with me about God? Prove me wrong!

by Saint Koala February 15, 2009

46πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


a myth people have debated about since it was first introduced. The debates will continue until proves has been given from either side. No person doesn't have a side.

A subject that will be argued about even after my generation is dead and decaying.

by Jeff Kinski May 12, 2003

83πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


The world's most popular myth.

Person 1: Do you believe in God?
Person 2: Yes I do.
Person 3: That's hilarious

by Remylikesthiswebsite November 27, 2008

45πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


1 - a word meaning a supreme. omnipotent being.
2 - when capitalized, the entity worshipped by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Also called Adonai, Allah, and Yaweh.
3 - and exclamation or interjection
4 - one who is exceptionally talented in a certain field or area

The female form is "godess"

1 - Shiva is a Hindu god
2 - Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
3 - Oh, my God! That's awful!
4 - David Beckham is a soccer god

by Tanja February 24, 2004

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