Source Code


When someone farts, then immediately breaths in without realizing they have just breathed in there own fart gas, causing choking actions.

Tom: "Oh man, yesterday while trying to suck my own dick, I totally Hot-Lunged myself."
Dave: "Dude, what the fuck's wrong with you?"

by Buulok July 26, 2008

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Iron Lung

A competition that begins when there is too much weed to be smoked, but must be smoked. The last person to drop out of the smoking rotation is the winner of Iron Lung.

Person 1 : Dude, I cant smoke anymore.
Person 2 : Then Iron Lung begins !

by Parry October 18, 2005

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Jizz Lung

Jizz Lung is a serious illness of the lungs resulting from prolonged exposure to aerosol jizz particles. Those afflicted often experience death and pain. Its treatment carries added risks, such as Napkin Lung. Jizz Lung is not communicable.

Gene Wilder was long a silent sufferer of Jizz Lung before succumbing to its fatal embrace in 2001.

I would not hang out at Russell's house if I were you; you might catch Jizz Lung.

by Adonis Whinny Cole August 21, 2006

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lung karma

The karmic disease that claimed famed pedophile enabler Joe Paterno's life. Used frequently in forums by educated people.

educated person: Joe Pa was fired for covering up child rape, then the lung karma took his life.

uneducated moron: Prove dat he know bout it.

educated person: Can't you fucking read?

by Poe Ja February 11, 2012

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Cum Lung

Pneumonia as the result of inhalation of semen.

David caught a mean case of Cum Lung from Bobby after losing all those team drafts.

by xxclandestinexx June 15, 2016

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Lung buddies

Those awesome pieces of crap you cough up, usually happens if you smoke newports. They are usually a color no one has ever seen before and sometimes they bounce.

"Your ditching me?, fuck you then i'm just gonna hang out with my lung buddies then.

by BigCVegas August 30, 2006

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Lung Scabs

Wounds that form inside your lungs after smoking the "down town brown" or another type of low grade marijuana through a blunt. It usually takes 4 or more consecutive blunts of nasty mersh to begin developing lung scabs. What happens is that the dirty bud smoke rips away at your lung tissue and gross resin forms on your lungs, as the resin begins to fall off your lungs, they try to heal but further smoking blunts will impede the healing process forming what is infamously known as lung scabs.

Hippie 1: we smoked like 10 blunts of down town brown at that party last night...

Hippie 2: *coughing up goo and gunk chunks on floor* UGHhhhh

Hippie 1: Look those lung scabs!

Hippie 2: I think im about to die, Fuck your mersh

by Dratini June 30, 2011

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