Source Code

Speeding Ticket

This occurs when a dude, probably a virgin, is about to have sex with a chick but in his supreme excitement, blows his load before he even gets his pants off. In the case of the speeding ticket, the girl gives him a piece of paper with a penalty of her choosing written on it. The guy must follow the instructions or she will tell of his premature ejaculation.

Dude, somebody told me Gunther got a speeding ticket from Alyssa last night and she made him eat his cum. Fuck, what a tool.

by golferdude712 February 23, 2009

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ticket puncher

is a realatively homosexually thats likes e to punch tickets in small holes

prison ticket puncher

by gonzo12345 August 7, 2009

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troll ticket

Slang for a single dose of LSD on blotter paper.

I took three troll tickets earlier, and things are starting to get pretty weird.

by Andrew Hartline March 14, 2006

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TS Ticket

Tough Sh!t Ticket (archaic). An imaginary/facetious "ticket" (as in train ticket) to someplace that doesn't exist, like Pity City. Essentially meaning "too bad, so sad, you ain't getting what you want, I am unsympathetic to your dilemma or plight".

Alternatively, some sort of financial aid or assistance for those experiencing hard times, like food stamps or WIC vouchers.

Awwwww. I'm so sorry your girl/boy friend is sick and you failed your test. Here... Let me get you a pair of TS Tickets to Pity City and you two can have a good day.

by fuzzygreysocks February 8, 2010

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Shit Ticket

(n.) a single section of bathroom tissue.

"That guy keeps pissing on the floor in our bathroom and leaving his shit tickets in our trash can. Who the fuck does that; takes a shit and throws their disgusting shit tickets in the trash after? That's pretty fucked up."

by Department of Behavioral Hell July 25, 2015

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Cheap Tickets

A company whose annoying flash pop-up ads have infected UrbanDictionary.

Every other page I go to, Cheap Tickets throws a pop-up ad at me. It's annoying!

by dj gs68 October 30, 2003

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French Ticket

Keying someone's car; keying a car that is parked illegally; From Two Days in Paris the movie
Or taking a shit on someone's windshield

What is that? A french ticket?
He was parked in the handicapped spot so I gave him a french ticket.

by AdamGoldberg April 12, 2009

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