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PB&J gang

a small but growing gang, started sometime in feb.of 2009 at ed white

most of ed white is clamed PB&J territory.

a mostly mixed gang, not a very rasist gang.

we all love PB&J sandwiches. but dats not the only meaning, u would have to be on the gang to understand it.

there is haters everywhere we go. but they will all be dealt with.

the prez. is for security reasons to be named P.T.pbj
and the current vice is, E.B.pbj

PB&J gang,we tag shit and back it up,and even have a little bussiness on the side selling what else PB&J. aaawloos.

by PB&J gang, muscle March 4, 2009

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PB n J

a code word for used by little boys talk about pornography without their parents or elders knowing

" that PB n J was good "

by ak harry March 6, 2005

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Peanut Butter allows you to disperse the butter around your intromittent organ in which you can exploit a Canis lupus familiaris into exciting you, if you will. With Jam, you can not, the reason as to why this is so should be pointed directly at the digestive system of a Canis lupus familiaris. Jam is considered toxic to a Canis lupus familiaris and can result in kidney failure.

"Yo, I need to pull off a quickie, but I have no partner, whatever shall I do?" Jared exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it! Just pull a PB&J from this neat book, 'The Aberrations of Mr.PB&J'!" Jin said fiercely.

"Huh? Oh I got you! A PB&J!" Jared said dumbfoundedly.

by Jin Sin July 16, 2010

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PB n J

the act of slathering one's male genetalia with peanut butter in order to ellicit oral sex from furry animals (most often househod pets.)

it's an arcronym.

"dude your out of peanut butter!...why's your dog looking so logy?"
" oh, we've been PB n J-ing it all weekend."

by starn studio November 4, 2005

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pbs mind in an mtv world

when you are really smart but are surrounded by complete fucktards. me, of course.

middle school was hell for me because i was a pbs mind in an mtv world.

by Allanator June 23, 2011

PBS Pre Birthday Syndrome


PBS is short for Pre Birthday Syndrome, A variation from the "PMS" (Pre menstrual syndrome) but in this case any gender could be affected.

Depression and other symptoms that may differ depends of the person, avoiding people, avoiding making plans for that day, avoiding celebrate it, and feel as miserable as you can. Being dramatic and impossible for those who actually want to celebrate it with you while you avoiding any kind of celebration drawing in your own crap!

A time to look back and think of all the things that went wrong in your life, everything you didnt accomplish an all that type of things.

Anna is have PBS, Pre Birthday Syndrome again this year, she just doesnt wanna go dancing!

I would be PBSing this week, please dont call me till my birthday is over, I am viction of PBS Pre Birthday Syndrome

by deathlylover January 13, 2012

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Purple Ball Syndrome (PBS)

When you wear tighty whities for way too long. Your balls start to turn purple because they cant breathe and it becomes excruciatingly painful.

Did you hear that guy Luis got Purple Ball Syndrome (PBS)? I think he's wearing his tighty whities way too much, he might have to get his balls surgically removed.

by Papichulito69 January 14, 2021