Source Code

Happy Feet

To shit in a deceased person’s urn, blend the mixture, consume said blended mixture, excrete the mixture through the digestive tract, urinate on the result, then finally charlie brown dance beside the final result within a toilet. Once done dancing on that ho, flush the excrement.

I got so pissed at Gerald that I happy feet’d his grandmother

by MuchoFeeto July 24, 2024

happy little accident

1. you made an accident and you are happy with it
2. your parents accidentally created you and they don't want you. But you're still happily depressed.

1. person 1: oh shit, i made a mistake but I'm fine with it.

person 2: then you made a happy little accident
2. mother: we created you when we were drunk and having sex

father: you're an orphan we don't want you.

you: fine...then I'm a happy little accident.

by La Thunderbird April 23, 2022

open happiness

(from the Coca Cola commercial celebrating 125 years of coca cola in 2011)

a) drink rum and coke
b) to have an orgasm

girl a) Why can't i open happiness? I'm 16 and a half

girl b) it's our alco-laws; I think they should make the North American alco-laws like those of the European Union. Drink beer, wine and maybe rum and coke- since rum is usually dark and Coca-Cola is black and nobody will know the difference- at 16, and heavy liquor at 18.

by Sexydimma April 6, 2015

Happy Realization

- a cognitive response, typically by someone of low IQ, of which realizes the simplicity of a seemingly complicated matter.

"After many attempts at screwing in a light bulb, I then realized the correct way to screw in said light bulb was to the right". It is in this moment I am experiencing what is called, "Happy Realization".

by Dave From Work November 11, 2022

soviet happy days

A kafkaesque scenario where you don't jump shark; shark jumps YOU!

Welcome to Soviet Happy Days, Fonzie. You put that coffee down. That coffee is for closers.

by Orangeboxman December 12, 2016

whatever makes you happy

A passive-aggressive term used to end dumb arguments you do not want to talk with anymore.
It is often used to stop making any new fights or statements, and ending the conversation so both parties can move on with the rest of their lives.

A: "Like I said, Sydney is a better city to live in than Melbourne!"
B: "Whatever makes you happy man."

by gnome is better October 20, 2023

happiness noises

Sounds one makes when extremely excited and or happy. Originated from a meme.

Person one: Yo, dude, I just asked her out!
Person two: What'd she say?
Person one: She said yes!! *Happiness noises*

by Lilac_Reed August 16, 2021