Somehow pulls a lot of bitches but is really retarded.
Look at Tom g, rizzing up more chicks than he has underwear!
If u looked this up u have been blessed, ur a true friend. Whack me up on Snapchat: tafield
I’m friends with Tom Field
Woah u must be cool
Cancelling on people last minute
"are you going to meet ruben tomorrow?"
"no, I think I will pull a tom"
Someone who is a follower or worshipper of Tom Clancy. Usually a fatass who claims to know a lot about firearms.
I am a Tom Clancy and I have read his first novel, The Hunt For Red October
An adjective which describes something stealthy or something that has been done in a Tom Clancy game or book
A: Hey I took some gum from my parents’ cupboard and they didn’t even notice
B: Wow that’s very Tom Clancy of you
"tom nook hamburger" Is a discord group chat (I know very loser) consisting of the following 5 members: Sherlyne, Griffin, Ava, and last but certainly not least the coolest one of all, Lio. This group chat mainly focuses on topics regarding music specifically K-Pop. The 3 out of the 5 like K-pop: Ava, Ani, and Lio. Although the other two may not have similar interests, they all still try to make sure nobody is left out. I must say they are an excellent group chat. The group first started when Lio and Griffin met on a Roblox experience called "Survive Lovely Peaches in Area 51." Then a few days later the duo turned into a trio after they met Ava. They all got along pretty well. After 2 years of the existence of the group chat Lio was friends with Ani and all 3 of them agreed to add her. They have been thriving since and continue to be absolute losers on the internet.
the best group chat ever made in history consisting of the great quadtet or whatever u call a group of 4 ava griffin ani and the best for last the awesomest lio. ton nook hamburger is filled with 3 kpop fans who do nothing but be nerds and stupid losers and talk about kpop. then we got the other guy griffin who is just there but is very funny and they make sure to never leave the dude out. ur awesome griffin!