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myles p

myles is, in short, the ultimate opp

he sleeps with wet hair and accuses people of being horny

he doesnt like his spanish teacher which means he is lame

he wishes he were as tall as i am with platforms

oh my god youre such a myles p??? like youre the most annoying person ever

by notapickme November 1, 2021

eric p.

Some are cool and some are not, the ones that are cool are usually the ones that care deeply about you and treat everyone with respect, The ones that are not cool might ignore you and disrespect everyone by using slurs they aren't supposed to use or something idk.

Eric p.

by ☆ Darling ☆ May 8, 2022


The final stage of finite boredom.

A: I am zaxqsc1wdv2efb3rgn4thm5yj,6uk.7il/8o;9p'0-=\ZAXQSC!WDV@EFB#RGN$THM%YJ<^UK>&IL?*O:(P"){_}+|.
B: I am only qazqwertyuiopwsxasdfghjkledczxcvbnmrfvtgbyhnujmikolp
C: I am only qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
D: I am super bored.
A, B, and C: you are the least bored of us.

by Urban Dictionary Staffage December 5, 2024


An abbreviation - rascist, ignorant, predator.

Newspaper report on the front cover of the New York Times dated 19th January 2020 - Oh no, not another 4 years. After the previous 4 years every editor of every major American newspaper is sick and tired of having a picture of Donald Trump as their cover story - r,i,p.

by Jewish madam December 27, 2018

P with the B's

Porn with the boys.

Anyone down for some P with the B's?

by Manbunman July 31, 2021

P money

Penis money

oh lord P money how do i answer to this dyslexic bitch

by Gmoneynocap April 5, 2021


A profitable traders, who is generous, treats his students like family, and a person who never looks back on a decision to help people, no matter were they come from

P-money boss is a profit lord

by University catch November 27, 2021