when you credit card someone (take a card and slide it through someones ass crack to cause discomfort) with a hacksaw, causing severe pain.
dude i need a band- aid, i just got crack sawed.
The white crusties you get around your mouth when you're smoking crack ,have really dry mouth, and sucking dicks
Wipe that crack jiz off your mouth bro, it looks like you just got done sucking on a dick
A dog crack can either be a dog's butthole, or a human's deformed butthole.
A dog crack usually happens at birth and causes poop to be lumpy, small in size, and sometimes causes worms since the person has a dog crack.
The person cannot perform anal sex because her/his butthole is too small for the job. They can only do it in the front.
The person's dog crack can attract other dogs. If a dog sniffs or tries to hump the person's butthole, or anything else a dog does to another's butthole, then that is perfectly normal.
There are so many dogs chasing after Smarly because she has a dog crack, and they all want it.
Someone who suck asshole and eats ass crack
“ dude your such a clot crack”
“Your the one eating your girls ass crack”
In the any sales role. A big sale with low margin is considered Sales Crack. The first sale (hit) is amazing, but afterwards you continue to chase it to reap the same reward and never get that benefit of the first time.
Jesse sold a catering job at much less than she should have. Now shes on sales crack and will continue selling at that margin to keep her employees working but doesn’t see any profit for all the work.
A sexual act where a male ejaculates on their partners forehead, face or anywhere on the body.
“ last night we went from talking about life, to me cracking milk on her forehead. “
“ some women love when a man cracks some milk on that shit “
When you gotta whip out that pee stream
"Todd had to go to the bathroom and go crack the yellow whip."