When your girlfriend rides you on her period and you cum inside her the white and red turns orangey and she drips it on your stomach when she gets up
My girl dropped buffalo sauce all on my last night
Jamaican hot sauce is when you have diarrhea, and mix it into someone’s weed stash
Alex was being a dick so I hit his stash with the ole Jamaican hot sauce
donkey sauce is a sauce from a donkey
Its a sauce made from donkies dumbass
A phrase used when you don't want to say "I'm on my period" out loud.
Girl A: Hey, wanna come ice skating with me today?
Girl B: Sorry, I can't. I'm spewing sauce. (sighs)
Girl A: Oooh, that sucks.
Girl B: Yea, you know how bad it would be if I were to open my legs while skating. It would be the eruption of Krakatoa all over again.
The art of flawless trail shreddery
“bro did you see that guy absolute shred the trail out there?! he was killin it!”
“of course bro- it’s cause he’s got the ‘Trail Sauce’”
When something is mid teir or boring, it's mid sauce
Bro the ending to that show was so mid sauce