National cuddle with/hug your girlfriend day :)
Shrek: It's april 4 🫂💕
the day martin luther king jr. died
hey its April 4, we should mourn mlk jr
Yes we all kno easter is today but... Its also tell your crush to drop his hoes day😍😜.
April 4: Sir imma need you to drop your hoes plz and thank you😌.
la position trois quart face est de l’art martial créé par le maître enzo sensei madar qui consiste à se mettre face à l’adversaire de trois quart et lui faire une feinte de coup de coude
rend moi mes 12 centimes sinon 😗😗 (petit crissement des bisous) position 3/4 face
In the game of cribbage, when a player leads with a 4, it is described as "weaponized", since there is no card in the deck which can be played that when added to 4 can total 15.
I lead with a Weaponized 4; you have been weaponized.