A gay game that insecure poor white kids play to “fit in” and post it on their dumb Snapchat story’s
(Person one) Do you play Fortnite?
(Person two) Are you gay?
A game that became a meme in 2018
Hey I was just wondering do you know any memes oh wait I know fortnite
A game that's about to die soon.
Are you just waiting for that 1 day when FORTNITE DIES??????
A really gay game that 9 year olds play
A thicc game for the biggest of gamers it is a 10000000p00 player deatgmatch. Perhaps ninjas play it...
I spent 40 hours straight playing fortnite
A cancerous game that is played by every nine year old in the world also ninja the king of nine year olds
Yeah my little brother jimmy died of cancer after play too much fortnite