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having a aleppo moment

Not knowing what someone is talking about. Not understanding anything.

Person A: this is a an imortant thing that is happening in france
Person B: im having a aleppo moment

by Creeperchris.777 December 6, 2016

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dory or dory moment

when u forget things quite easily.

claire u dory!
i just had a dory moment

by claire May 3, 2004

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high def moment

Viewing any High Definition video and seeing something that, if the video was in standard definition, would otherwise have gone unnoticed or unrecognized. As long as the source is outputting at 720p or above, it is considered High Definition.
See also - HD Moment

I had a high def moment when I noticed my friend in the stands while watching the basketball game.

by Jenkem Hog January 29, 2008

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certified subarashii moment

When something is absolutely perfect

Man 1: Bro my mom just got diagnosed with a brain tumour

Man 2: Now that, is a certified subarashii moment

by OppaiInspector July 12, 2021

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loof-aha moment

Having an "aha moment" while in the shower. A common occurrence for many.

You know how I couldn't solve that thing at work? Well, this morning, I got in the shower and had a total loof-aha moment. It just came to me.

by wordsmitherjim April 13, 2011

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the moment i knew

A song about realizing that something or someone isn't going to work out or it will never be. The Moment I Knew is written and sang by Taylor Swift.
a.k.a. this song is my life

It was 2 am, I was waiting for you to come back to me and that was The Moment I Knew that we could never or would be ever together.

by Ashlynn Rae January 27, 2014

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perfect moment in time

A perfect moment in time is the instant a guy feels himself reach the point-of-no-return and have a c-spot or p-spot pleasure-gasm.

Ahhh ... My dick just felt a perfect moment in time when I blew my load with a dick in my mouth and another up my ass - and yet another sucking my cum-load out of my cock and swallowing it!

by USAF Cadet February 7, 2021

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