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Tiff blowing Bryan off

Whenever Bryan tries to invite a girl named Tiffani out and she either denies, says maybe but does not follow threw or just ignores him

Bryan asked Tiffani to video chat. She lead him to believe they would buy denied it it by Tiff blowing Bryan off by ignoring several of his calls.

by Dok5150 May 30, 2018

Sniff and Blow

The act in which a woman sniffs a smelly Weiner and then continues to blow the recipient

This girl gave me the good olsniff and blow last night!

by John willhellmet May 9, 2024

Properly blowed

When you smoke the perfect amount and you’re not too high but you’re high enough

*John and Jackson both take two last hits of the blunt and ditch it*

John: I’m pretty high dude.

Jackson: Yeah, that blunt got me properly blowed

by Browhattheufck June 10, 2019

Bake and blow

When 2 or more people get together specifically to smoke Marijuana and have oral sex.

"Hey baby, would you be up for a bake and blow later tonight?"

by Clevermel September 12, 2023


When you’re sitting in the bathtub and the tip of your penis floats above the surface of the water such that your urethra is exposed to the air.

I was on the phone talking to Joey in the bathtub totally blow-holing.

by Patmanpancakes December 10, 2022

rubber blowing

when you ejaculate so hard it blows out the condom breaking it

so i started rubber blowing but now i have to leave the country to avoid paying child support

by sp6c3 September 26, 2024

Tasmanian Blow Job

When a girl twirls like a tornado in an office chair while sucking a mans scrotum into her vagina

That one bitch gave me the best Tasmanian blow job at the office after hours

by Mr. beast boiiiiiiii November 26, 2018