A homeless person capable of hustling other homeless for food, warmth, shelter etc.
Did you see the way that homeless guy took that guys sleeping bag? Such a power hobo.
It is an organization for the peepee fruits with power in there peepee
👳🏿 ♀️🥘🦐
Me: make that peepee make power
PeePee Power Organization
The man lies on his side with the woman lying on her side with her back to his front.
The same as spoons but with intercourse. The preferred method of the lazy man.
I was tired but still wanted to do it, so I gave her the power spoon.
I just made a fake word to trick my kids!!! They almost fell for it!!!
Name a famous persons starting with Austin?
Austin Powers
When you prolong the urge to defecate until the last possible minute and then when you finally sit on the toilet you forcefully grunt to expel the fecal matter creating a “blap” sound that echoes from the toilet.
During the ride home from Panda Express, Dave new a power blap was imminent.
Dude I just power blapped so hard it sounded like a tuba in the toilet!
A bottom is a gay or queer man who is politically, economically, personally, and socially independent. Is able to stand firm on their two feet without the dependence on a top.
Benjamin is a power bottom. He doesn't need a top to make his way.