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Urban dictionary

A very sexist place.

Guy 1: *looks up boobs*
Girl 1: in stead of reading that read a proper book
Guy 1: but the definitions are so true
Girl 1: you sexist piece of shit the definitions say the best thing in the world all you guys do us use and tell us girls what we can and can't do then call us sluts but enjoy out sex then also do stuff like that urban dictionary is sexist people just write disrespectful things in fact it's not just towards girls it's men to but either way it has a lot of disrespectful things.

by innocet_definitions December 29, 2018

Urban dictionary

Urban dictionary is something that partially made me unholy and the bitch I am today like this if you agree .

Friend ,” hey look at this I found in the urban dictionary!”
Me ,” that ... Thing made me a bitch .... No.”

by Insert meme ..... December 30, 2021

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary is a made up dictionary, where you could find some real shit like dank memes or mandingo parties

Person 1: hey man, what does cyka blyat mean?
Person 2: search it up in Urban Dictionary
Person 3: Oy Blin.

by Cyka Blyat Is Already Taken October 30, 2018

Urban dictionary

Terrible fucking site. It gets shittier every single day.

The people who work for urban dictionary are wearing piss stained shirts.

by AwfulSiteTheAbsoluteWorst December 25, 2020

Urban Dictionary

A site that strays further from God every day.

Me: *Goes on Urban Dictionary to find definition of a word.*
Urban Dictionary: Shows me everything but the ACTUAL definition of the word.
Me: ...

by AGeniusWith2MuchTimeOnHisHands June 16, 2021

Urban dictionary

How to find out new slang in the world when you’re a boomer in the body of a teenager/young adult.

Me:What does__mean? I can’t keep up with this shit
Me:Looks it up on urban dictionary

by Straight Facts by Amaya January 12, 2020

Urban Dictionary

Why the hell are you searching urban dictionary in the urban dictionary?!?????

-searches up urban dictionary in the urban dictionary so in the urban dictionary I know what an urban dictionary is in the urban dictionary-

by Srly y tho June 15, 2019