It's actually 2 expressions combined, duche bag (- historically known as an instrument of cleanliness bestowed upon a dirty piece of female genitalia) and fag(Short form for faggot aka homo).
This expression is used when a duche male is sleeping with a lot of other men. He's like a male - gigolo, for men!
He's gay, a total duche fucking fag bag!
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Term used to define an individual with a lower sense of "maturity". Offensive phrase used against a character described or labeled as a "motherfucker". The weaponry that these individuals habitualy use are sedimentary rocks and comedical phrases that generaly dont make sense and or doltish.
Omar is such a pre-mature fag.
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The hole of a fag that has been blasted by the cock.
Matt Brown is a Cock Blasted Fag-Hole
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A situation in which a person is allowed to join others in 'getting nice.' This could include playing a round of Halo 3, drinking Night Train, or smoking an L.
Bro 1: "Yo, lemme get in on this Halo action..."
Dick : "Nah kid, get in next round."
Bro 2: "Fuck that bro, it's an equal opportunity fag drag."
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Um....a gay guy with a surious (said like a black guy) craving for ass.
Gay Guy 1: Hi, i'm a fag.
Random Guy 1: Ain't it a Direct Pentinium Anal Fag.
Gay Guy 2: What's that?
Random Guy 1: Your momma's chesthair!
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it obviously states here, ure a fag and a son of a bitch!
boy: hey man, can i buy you a condom?
boy 2: damn, what a fag son of a bitch.
boy 3: FSOB!
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A term not used lightly when describing one who rejects all socializim completely. Also these types wear much black makeup and trench coats and very over-sized clothing.
The bottom of the people pool. Almost worse than "thugs".
These (people) do not wish to engage in person to person interaction.
Tim is walking in the mall and turns head to look inside
(hot Topic). He notices some individuals who look very grimmey and angry.
He says: Hey Steve look at those marilyn manson hippie fags. they should all die they take up to much room.
Steve says: Indeed Tim we should wait outside and beat the shit out of them when they leave...
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