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Straight Fib

A phrase, which was introduced by the popular YouTuber Vlog Creations, which expresses the feeling that someone is fibbing. "Straight fib" is nerdy alternative to the modern phrase "straight cap."

"Nah, bro, that's straight fib."

by Wendell 6765103 February 21, 2022

straight cheese curding

when something is highly valuable or another phrase for bussin

this bank is straight cheese curding.
the food is straight cheese curding

by heeshuger June 21, 2021

straight gremmin

A term used to describe an ugly human being. A filthy, unattractive, sick, muttly creature.

D: So did you see his girlfriend?
S: Yeah man, she was straight gremmin.

by shay dogg April 10, 2008

Straight dudes not knowing what half of things are

thatrandomperson and teegan

Straight dudes not knowing what half of things are (sexualities)

by thatrandompersonnnnn April 27, 2024

honorary gay straight friend

A Platonic friend of a member of the opposing gender who, for whatever reason, does not fulfill the function of a boy/girlfriend, but they go back a number of years, they can confide in each other to a limited extent, and there is an expectation that things will not turn romantic/sexual. Similar to the "work wife" or "work husband" (assuming there is no affair). Bartenders, male and female, and a lot of workers with public-facing jobs tend to have many honorary gay straight friends.

"Nikki said she would text Mikey about the shin-dig we were having."

"Why would she text his ass? I thought she was with Craig."

"They're just cool. Mikey is one of her honorary gay straight friends."

by The Speechcrafter November 29, 2023

Straight Seat

The empty seat purposely left between two guys at a public event (movie theater, sports game, etc.) so other people don't think they are gay and/or on a date.

"Dude, I don't want people here at the movies to think we're on a date or something."

"It's cool, bro. We'll leave a Straight Seat between us so it doesn't look like we're together."

by WERQ May 7, 2014

Straight Nanners

To do something that could be considered insane or ridiculous Also known as going all out

Guy: Did you see that guys twin turbo LSX corvette??

Guy#2: Yes! He went "straight Nanners" with that build!

by LsxEars March 16, 2017