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person or persons who mannage to sneak out of any trouble or situation.

the weasle escaped again!!!

by fife April 28, 2006

39๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


To weasle is to talk to a member of the opposite sex, apparently innocently, when in fact you intend for sexual activity later, and everyone else knows it. Used more by males about females

Epsom College 6th Form

Mate you fucking weasled her/him hardcore
Mate I'm on the wease
Mate I am already weasling her/him

by Beeman And Campo April 20, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very, very small dick

i laughed when he showed me his weasle

by trevor82 February 18, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

whack the weasle

A synonym for masturbate

After watching porn for an hour or so, I went to whack the weasle

by Jew Bass Five December 22, 2006

ass weasle

A term used to describe a sneaky ass fucking dick face

Look at Jeremy he is such an ass weasle.

by hellof oguy October 11, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bean Weasle

The bean weasle is indigenous to the midwest, loves to walk around naked inside of a sleeping bag even if in a hotel and survives solely on beans, ways to detect if a friend is a bean weasle are the stench that they give off some times smelling like marijuana and usually has curly hair.

Tyler West is a bean weasle.

by bartholameau jong February 3, 2010

skump weasle

low down scum, a slime ball, snakey dude

You are a skump weasle!

by Seles April 6, 2011