A bandana, usually in a paisley pattern. It usually shows someones gang colors. It can be tied on the head, a limb, or a gun to rep your set
Thug 1: You know what I rep nigga check my gang flag
A group of people who like ranch and anything to do with ranch these type are very diverse and funny (in there own ways) they also get very angry if you say any other condiment is better
It's the ranch gang walking down the street looking fly
Roach gang is a term to describe a group of people who you truly despise they also are spotted walking weirdly
Girl1 why are they walking like that
Girl2 oh it’s just the roach gang
A group of child sex traffickers and fentanyl traffickers that run around Ottawa hacking people to escape their incelibacy
Person 1:Did you see that cracker Ryan in the Wheelchair of Jayson that goes by sharkteeth?
Person 2:No? Why?
Person 1:I wanted to make bands with the InCell Gang trafficking children, trafficking fentanyl, and hacking.
Person 2:Dude, your gross, wtf? get away from me
A gang that respects the vets and the classes of 2022.
The art known as 'Plant Gang' is the art of using a fish's cum to impregnate a woman. 9 months later the woman has at least 13 mutant fish children.